Friday, June 8, 2007

You're Welcome

Nothing like a little gratitude...and this is nothing like that:

So the issue is…we’re undeserving? Is that the issue? Only your people, not mine? Only you, not us?

That's a quote from Cynthia Perez, who was just given a low-interest loan of $270,000 city dollars and an outright gift of $500,000 city dollars. Some people are justifiably upset, but it's OK - they're just racists.

I've heard a lot of arguments against this loan, and posted multiple rants about it myself. But I haven't heard any that are bringing up race as a reason to oppose it. She sure seems to think "the man" is out to get them, though. I guess I need to update that image:

Racists And Thieves

You're welcome. Bitch.

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