Sunday, April 15, 2007

Turning Around

Well...I guess she wasn't on death's door. She sure had me fooled, though.

She bottomed out on Wednesday morning - basically, no interest in any food, barely wanting to open her eyes, just about able to stagger outside to go pee and get back in to lie down. I was half-expecting to get back home from the office to find a dead Bailey.

But since then, she's slowly getting back. A trip to the internal medicine vet showed no physical issues with her kidneys or with fluid build-up. We kept her off some of her medications, and that seems to be helping her appetite some. It's still not back to normal - that being, all of her food inhaled within five seconds of her bowl hitting the floor. It's taking some chicken-and-rice to encourage her back to her bowl, and while she does eat it all, she still isn't wolfing it down as she would have in the past.

She's also back to watching out the window and barking, and playing with some of her toys. Again, not to the level she was at before - there's still more sleeping going on than there was before, and her active periods are shorter, but at least she's back up and around.

There was a period of a couple of days where she was getting a lot of mucous build-up around her eyes and nose, so maybe this was just some weird allergy reaction. Hopefully the cool front that came through helped clear out whatever it was. At any rate, she's still on the mend, but not on the death-watch list anymore.

Of course, this is just a delay in the inevitable, since those kidneys will still likely get her, and probably within the year. Man, after what happened this past week, I'm not looking forward to that.

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